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    STEEL MUSCLE By LGLexpert presents itself as a 2-in-1 technology of the most effective to fight against these problems which can quickly worsen, thanks to its electromagnetic energy, this device offers a high intensity going up to thousands of muscular contacts, resulting in a most satisfying toning and muscle strengthening.


    SLIMAX LIPO7 By LGLexpert is a cutting-edge technology based on controlled energy that is ideal for patients who want to get rid of fat in a short time, its 1060 nm wavelength is strongly absorbed by adipose tissue, and its thermal diffusion is in-depth and can effectively eliminate diffuse fat. Over time, the body naturally eliminates fat cells offering visible results from 6 weeks and stable after 12 weeks.

    Thanks to the considerable progress in the field of slimming and medical aesthetics, multifunction technologies such as the SLIMAX LIPO7 By LGLexpert make it possible to fight effectively against sagging skin, for example.


    PRESSOLIGNE5 By LGLexpert is one of the latest technological versions of this pressotherapy treatment, known for its atmospheric pressure technology, this treatment aims to drain by exerting this pressure on the whole body in order to promote blood circulation, rid the body of toxins, quickly burn redundant fat or cellulite and finally achieve the most satisfying result in record time.


    Fat Reduction: non-invasive way into the deep subcutaneous muscle tissue, triggering its motor neurons to drive super muscle contraction, so that 100% of the muscle fibers are activated.
    Muscle Building: Muscles can be deeply remodeled and grown in the process of extreme super strong contraction, and new collagen chains and new muscle fibers are produced to strengthen and tighten muscles.


    Shapslim features the revolutionary combination of Bi-polar radio frequency (RF), infrared light energies, plus negative pressure and mechanical tissue manipulation.
    The synergistic combination of infrared and conducted RF energies increases the oxygen intracellular diffusion by heating the skin. Vacuum and specially designed rollers manipulate and smooth out the skin to facilitate safe and efficient energy delivery.
    The net result increases the metabolism of stored energy (lipolysis), increases lymphatic drainage, and reduces or shrinks the size of the actual fat chamber.
    The results: A reduction in the circumference of the treated area and a smoother appearance of the skin’s surface.

    The LiposlimLaser Lipolaser emits low levels of laser energy, which creates a chemical signal in the fat cells, breaking down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol and releasing them through channels in the cell membranes. The fatty acids and glycerol are then transported around the body to the tissues that will use them during metabolism to create energy. This process of fatty acid release is a natural response of the body when the body needs to use stored energy reserves, thus LiposlimLaser Lipolaser is not creating any unnatural reaction in the body nor does it affect or damage any surrounding structures such as skin, blood vessels, and peripheral nerves. A period of exercise post-treatment will ensure the complete metabolism and thus elimination from the body of the freed fatty acids.


    The MEGACRYO By LGLexpert is a new medical technique that targets localized fatty rolls via cryo lipolysis, which makes it possible to redraw the silhouette in a more balanced and harmonious way, moreover, this process is non-invasive and respects the cutaneous structures of the body. epidermis leaving them intact.


    The MEGACRYO By LGLexpert is a new medical technique that targets localized fatty rolls via cryolipolysis, which makes it possible to redraw the silhouette in a more balanced and harmonious way, moreover, this process is non-invasive and respects the cutaneous structures of the body. epidermis leaving them intact.


    The LONGCHOC By LGLexpert system

    Using the Ballis LONGCHOC By LGLexpert generation a pressure wave is formed via a projectile using accelerated compressed air. Compressed air is generated by a compressor at an electronically controlled ballistic pressure. Using elastic impact. The kinetic energy of the projectile is transferred into the probe of the applicator and then into the body. Therefore, during the treatment, the applicator must be in direct contact with the skin, and subcutaneous LONGCHOC By LGLexpert targets the affected areas which are the source of chronic pain. The influence of the shock wave causes the dissolution of calcium deposits and leads to better vascularization. The after-effects are pain relief.


    Frequencious By Longiligne is a skin rejuvenation process by a thermal system called fractionation using a high-frequency device. It causes molecular agitation within the dermis producing natural local heat. Almost painless and without social eviction, this revolutionary aesthetic technique makes it possible to treat sagging skin and improve the appearance of the skin of the face to make it more toned, more radiant, and smoother.


    The VelaShape By LGLexpert body remodeling technology, based on radio frequency, makes it possible to tighten the skin and effectively fight against cellulite.

    Recognized by the FDA, VelaShape By LGLexpert technology combines infrared light, bipolar radiofrequency energy, and suction, causing deep heating of fat cells, surrounding connective tissues, and underlying dermal collagen fibers. Tissue heating combined with the mechanical effect of suction stimulates the production of better-quality collagen and elastin, inducing a localized reduction in sagging skin, and body volume, and an overall improvement in structure and skin texture.


    MICROGUN By LGLexpert offers a completely painless, effective, and above all non-invasive anti-aging medical method, being an alternative to traditional mesotherapy which offers multiple basic advantages, the MICROGUN By LGLexpert modifies the cell membrane thanks to short and controlled pulses and makes it completely permeable and absorbs molecules that otherwise cannot enter the cells.